Mitraa Piano Notes Ammy Virk
Instructions: Sign + = Higher Octave, - = Lower Octave, # = Sharp Notes, b = Flat Notes. See Piano Theory Click Here Key Name details with diagram.
Mitraa Piano Notes Ammy Virk Available On Piano Daddy. Easy Keyboard Piano Notes For Mitraa, Casio Notes, Chords, Lyrics.
Song : Mitraa
Singer : Ammy Virk
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Western Notes
Saheli Taan Ni Chhad Gyi Oye
E+C#+C#+C#+, BC#+E+
Dil Chon Taan Ni Kad Gyi Oye
C#+C#+ C#+C#+, BC#+E+
Bhul Je Kaahton Suk Gye Oye
E+C#+C#+C#+, BC#+E+
Paise Taan Ni Mook Gye Oye
C#+C#+ C#+C#+, BC#+E+
Peti Payi Diggi Ch Glen Di
F#G#G# F#G#G# F#G#G#F# BG#G#
Khad Ja Fatt Tere Siyonda Ae
F#G#F# ED#C# D#E
D#EF#.. EF#G#..
Bojh Ni Pauna Dil Te Mitra
C#+C#+ C#+C#+ C#+C#+D#+E+D#+
Bhai Tera Ajje Jeeyonda Ae
G#+C#+C#+C#+ C#+C#+E+
Ho Bojh Ni Pauna Dil Te Mitraa
C#+C#+ C#+C#+ C#+C#+D#+E+D#+
Bhai Tera Ajje Jeeyonda Ae
G#+C#+C#+C#+ C#+C#+E+
Mainu Pata Bolenga Peeke
3 – 4 Peg Gatt Le Oye
Aidan Na Pai Dil Ghatde
Chahe Mainu Gaalan Kadhle Oye
Mainu Pata Bolenga Peeke
Teen – Char Peg Gatt Le Oye
Aidan Na Pai Dil Ghatde
Chahe Mainu Gaalan Kadhle Oye
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