Hath Chumme Piano Notes Ammy Virk
Instructions: Sign + = Higher Octave, - = Lower Octave, # = Sharp Notes, b = Flat Notes. See Piano Theory Click Here Key Name details with diagram.
Hath Chumme Piano Notes Ammy Virk Available On Piano Mint. Easy Keyboard Piano Notes For Hath Chumme, Casio Notes, Guitar Chords, Lyrics.
Song : Hath Chumme
Singer : Ammy Virk
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Western Notes
Woh ho…O ek gal te dass mainu
F+F+E+ D+E+ C#+D+F+
Jo zehan ch hai mere
F+E+D+D+E+ C#+C#+D+
Ohne mattha chumeya pehlaan
F+E+D+E+ C#+D+G+F+F+
Yaa hath chumme tere (x2)
F+E+D+D+E+ C#+C#+D+
O tere bullan di tareef pakka
D+D+D+ C+D+C+ AA# D+D+ D+D+
Keeti honi ae
D+E+E+D+ E+G+G+F+
Tere jisam te nishani koi
D+D+D+ C+D+C+ AA# D+D+ D+D+
Ditti honi ae
D+E+E+D+ E+G+G+F+
Haaye kujh taan hoya ae
Dona de dassde chehre
Scientific Pitch Notation
Ho ek te dass mainu
Jo zehan ch hai mere
Ohne matha chumeya pehlan
Ya hath chumme ne tere x (2)
Tere bullan di tareef
Pakka kitti honi ae
Tere jisam te nishani
Koyi ditti honi ae
Haaye kujh taan hoya ae
Dona de dassde chehre
Ohne matha chumeya pehlan
Ya hath chumme ne tere
Ohne matha chumeya pehlan
Ya hath chumme
Ho mainu supne aunde rehnde aayo
Dete tere ni
Ohnu seene te sulavein
Ton har raat henere ni x (2)
Mera chehra nai ghummda
Tere ohdon char chuphere
Ohne matha chumeya pehlan
Ya hath chumme ne tere
Ohne matha chumeya pehlan
Ya hath chumme
Jaani wangu pyar oss ton
Zaahir nai hona
Paise wala taan hunn ae
Par shayar nai hona x (2)
Ohde naal lai layi tu
Main maut naal lai loon phere
Ohne matha chumeya pehlan
Ya hath chumme
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