Baari Piano Notes Bilal Saeed
Instructions: Sign + = Higher Octave, - = Lower Octave, # = Sharp Notes, b = Flat Notes. See Piano Theory Click Here Key Name details with diagram.
Baari Piano Notes Bilal Saeed Available On Piano Daddy. Easy Keyboard Piano Notes For Baari, Casio Notes, Chords, Lyrics.
Song : Baari
Singer : Bilal Saeed, Momina Mustehsan
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Tainu Takeya Hosh Hi Bhul Gayi
D#+D#+D+C+A#C+, D#+D#+D+C+GA#
Garam Garam Chaah Hath Te Dul Gayi
D#+D#+D+C+A#C+, D#+D#+D+C+GA#
Hath Te Dul Gayi Chaah Sajna
A#A#G+ G+G+F+ F+F+G+G+F+D#+
Aisi Teri Nigaah Sajna
A#G+G+F+ F+G#+G+G+F+D#+
Jaandi Jaandi Dasdi Ja Tu
F+D#+D+C+, F+D#+D+C+
Dil De Wich Ki Tere
GC+C+ C+D#+C+A#A#G#G
Dil De Wich Ki Tere
GC+C+ F+D#+C+A#
Main Suneya Uchiyan Deewara Rakhiyan
D#+ D#+D#+D#+ D#+G+F+ G#+G+G+ F+D#+D#+D#+
Ni Tu Dil De Char Chuphere
D#+ D#+D#+D#+ D#+G+F+ G#+G+G+ F+D#+D#+D#+
Naale Saambh Ke Rakhde Ae
D#+D+D#+ D#+D+C+A#C+D+C+
Koi Dil Ch Na Laa Le Dere
D#+D#+ D#+D#+D+ C+A#C+A#A#A#
Main Suneya Pehlaan Vi Dil Tuteya
D#+ D#+D#+D#+ D#+G+F+ G#+G+G+ F+D#+D#+D#+
Dil Tuteya Tera Ek Waari
D#+ D#+D#+D#+ D#+G+F+ G#+G+G+ F+D#+D#+D#+
Taan Hi Dil Di Deewara Te
D#+D+D#+ D#+D+C+A#C+D+C+
Tu Ek Na Banai Baari
D#+D#+ D#+D#+D+ C+A#C+A#A#A#
Mera Bhi Dil Udna Chaahe
Par Main Darni Aa
Main Uda Te Main Havawan
Naal Ladni Aa
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can you please provide piano notes for temporary pyaar