Natrang (2010) All Song Piano Notes, Music Sheet
Instructions: Sign + = Higher Octave, - = Lower Octave, # = Sharp Notes, b = Flat Notes. See Piano Theory Click Here Key Name details with diagram.
Natrang (2010) All Song Piano Notes, Piano Sheet, Sargam Notes, Guitar Chords, Lyrics Available On Piano Daddy.
Natarang, also spelled Natrang is a 2010 Indian Marathi film directed by debutant Ravi Jadhav and starring Atul Kulkarni and Sonalee Kulkarni. composer duo Ajay Atul composed the original score and songs of the film.
The original and the background scores were composed by Ajay Atul, based on the song lyrics by Guru Thakur.
Natrang (2010) Songs :
1. Natarang Ubha Piano Notes | Guitar Chords | Sheet Music | Sargam Classical | Lyrics
2. Kagal Gavcha Guna Piano Notes | Guitar Chords | Sheet Music | Sargam Classical | Lyrics
3. Wajle Ki Bara Piano Notes | Guitar Chords | Sheet Music | Sargam Classical | Lyrics
4. Achuk Padli Thingi Piano Notes | Guitar Chords | Sheet Music | Sargam Classical | Lyrics
5. Khel Mandala Piano Notes | Guitar Chords | Sheet Music | Sargam Classical | Lyrics
6. Petla Gadi Piano Notes | Guitar Chords | Sheet Music | Sargam Classical | Lyrics
7. Kashi Mi Jau Mathurechya Bajari Piano Notes | Guitar Chords | Sheet Music | Sargam Classical | Lyrics
8. Apsara Aali Piano Notes | Guitar Chords | Sheet Music | Sargam Classical | Lyrics
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