Ok Jaanu (2017) All Song Piano Notes, Music Sheet
Instructions: Sign + = Higher Octave, - = Lower Octave, # = Sharp Notes, b = Flat Notes. See Piano Theory Click Here Key Name details with diagram.
Ok Jaanu (2017) All Song Piano Notes, Piano Sheet, Sargam Notes, Guitar Chords, Lyrics Available On Piano Daddy.
Ok Jaanu Songs Lyrics and Videos Lessons. The background score and album songs both are composed by A. R. Rahman while OK Jaanu dialogues and lyrics are written by legendary writer Gulzar.
Ok Jaanu (2017) Songs :
1. Ok Jaanu Title Track Piano Notes | Guitar Chords | Sheet Music | Sargam Classical | Lyrics
2. The Humma Song Piano Notes | Guitar Chords | Sheet Music | Sargam Classical | Lyrics
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