Beautiful People Piano Notes Ed Sheeran
Instructions: Sign + = Higher Octave, - = Lower Octave, # = Sharp Notes, b = Flat Notes. See Piano Theory Click Here Key Name details with diagram.
Beautiful People Piano Notes Ed Sheeran Available On Piano Daddy. Easy Keyboard Piano Notes For Beautiful People Casio Notes, Guitar Chords, Lyrics.
Song : Beautiful People
Singer : Ed Sheeran
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Western Notes
We are, we are, we are
D#+D#+, A#A#, GG
L.A. on a Saturday night in the summer
D+D#+, D#+D#+D#+ D#+D#+, D#+D#+F+D#+
Sundown and they all come out
D#+D#+ D#+D#+D#+GG#
Lamborghinis and their rented Hummers
D#+D#+ D#+D#+, D#+D#+ D#+D#+F+D#+
The party’s on, so they’re headin’ downtown (‘Round here)
C+C+D+D+ D+D+ D+D#+D#+
Everybody’s lookin’ for a come up
D#+D#+D#+ D#+D#+, D#+D#+F+D#+
And they wanna know what you’re about
D#+D#+ D#+D#+D#+GG#
Me in the middle with the one I love and
D#+D#+ D#+D#+, D#+D#+ D#+D#+F+D#+
We’re just tryna figure everything out
D#+D#+ D#+D+D+D+ D#+D+C+
We don’t fit in well ’cause we are just ourselves
G+G+ F+G+F+D#+, G+G+ F+G+F+D#+
I could use some help gettin’ out of this conversation, yeah
G+G+ F+G+F+D#+ , C+D#+D#+ D#+D#+ D#+F+F+D#+D#+
You look stunning, dear, so don’t ask that question here
G+G+ F+G+F+D#+, G+G+ F+G+F+D#+
This is my only fear: that we become
G+G+G+G#+A#+G+F+D#+, D#+D#+F+F+
Beautiful people
Drop top, designer clothes
Front row at fashion shows
“What d’you do?” and “Who d’you know?”
Inside the world of beautiful people
Champagne and rolled-up notes
Prenups and broken homes
Surrounded, but still alone
Let’s leave the party
Scientific Pitch Notation
We are, we are, we are
D#5 D#5, A#4 A#4, G4 G4
L.A. on a Saturday night in the summer
D5 D#5, D#5 D#5 D#5, D#5 D#5, D#5 D#5 F5 D#5
Sundown and they all come out
D#5 D#5, D#5 D#5 D#5 G4 G#4
Lamborghinis and their rented Hummers
D#5 D#5, D#5 D#5, D#5 D#5, D#5 D#5 F5 D#5
The party’s on, so they’re headin’ downtown (‘Round here)
C5 C5 D5 D5, D5 D5, D5 D#5 D#5
Everybody’s lookin’ for a come up
D#5 D#5 D#5, D#5 D#5, D#5 D#5 F5 D#5
And they wanna know what you’re about
D#5 D#5, D#5 D#5 D#5 G4 G#4
Me in the middle with the one I love and
D#5 D#5, D#5 D#5, D#5 D#5, D#5 D#5 F5 D#5
We’re just tryna figure everything out
D#5 D#5, D#5 D5 D5 D5, D#5 D5 C5
We don’t fit in well ’cause we are just ourselves
G5 G5, F5 G5 F5 D#5, G5 G5, F5 G5 F5 D#5
I could use some help gettin’ out of this conversation, yeah
G5 G5, F5 G5 F5 D#5,, C5 D#5 D#5, D#5 D#5, D#5 F5 F5 D#5 D#5
You look stunning, dear, so don’t ask that question here
G5 G5, F5 G5 F5 D#5, G5 G5, F5 G5 F5 D#5
This is my only fear: that we become
G5 G5 G5 G#5 A#5 G5 F5 D#5, D#5 D#5 F5 F5
Beautiful people
Drop top, designer clothes
Front row at fashion shows
“What d’you do?” and “Who d’you know?”
Inside the world of beautiful people
Champagne and rolled-up notes
Prenups and broken homes
Surrounded, but still alone
Let’s leave the party
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