Bhaye Pragat Kripala Piano Notes Sachet-Parampara
Instructions: Sign + = Higher Octave, - = Lower Octave, # = Sharp Notes, b = Flat Notes. See Piano Theory Click Here Key Name details with diagram.
Bhaye Pragat Kripala Piano Notes Sachet-Parampara Available On Piano Daddy. Easy Keyboard Piano Notes For Bhaye Pragat Kripala Sung By Sachet-Parampara, Chords, Lyrics. Online Music Education On Piano Daddy.
Song : Bhaye Pragat Kripala
Singer : Sachet-Parampara
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Western Notes
Shree Ram Jaanki
C#+D#+ C+C#+D#+G#+G#+G#+G#+
Katha Gyaan Ki
G#+G#+F#+ F#+G#+F#+D#+
Shree Ramayan Ka Gyaan
C+ G#C+C#+D#+, C#+D#+F#+F+D#+
Bhaye Pragat Kripala
C+C#+F#+D#+F#+D#+ C#+C+C#+
Kaushalya Hitkari
G#C+C#+D#+ F#+D#+C#+D#+
Harshit Mahatari
D#+D#+D#+G#+G#+G#+ F#+D#+D#+
Muni Manhaari
Adbhut Roop Vichari
F#+F#+F#+F#+ F+D#+C#+C+C#+
Jug Jug Se Humne
C+C#+F#+D#+F#+D#+ C#+C+C#+
Palak Bichhayi
Tumhri Raah Buhaari
G#C+C#+D#+ F#+D#+C#+D#+
Scientific Pitch Notation
Shree Ram Jaanki
C#5 D#5, C5 C#5 D#5 G#5 G#5 G#5 G#5
Katha Gyaan Ki
G#5 G#5 F#5, F#5 G#5 F#5 D#5
C#5 D#5 C#5 C5
Shree Ramayan Ka Gyaan
C5, G#4 C5 C#5 D#5, C#5 D#5 F#5 F5 D#5
D#5 F#5 D#5 F#5 D#5 C#5 C5 C#5
Bhaye Pragat Kripala
C5 C#5 F#5 D#5 F#5 D#5, C#5 C5 C#5
F#5 D#5 F#5 D#5 C#5 C5 C#5
Kaushalya Hitkari
G#4 C5 C#5 D#5, F#5 D#5 C#5 D#5
Harshit Mahatari
D#5 D#5 D#5 G#5 G#5 G#5, F#5 D#5 D#5
Muni Manhaari
F#5 D#5 F#5 D#5 C#5 D#5
Adbhut Roop Vichari
F#5 F#5 F#5 F#5, F5 D#5 C#5 C5 C#5
Jug Jug Se Humne
C5 C#5 F#5 D#5 F#5 D#5, C#5 C5 C#5
Palak Bichhayi
F#5 D#5 F#5 D#5 C#5 C5 C#5
Tumhri Raah Buhaari
G#4 C5 C#5 D#5, F#5 D#5 C#5 D#5
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